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Discover your inner voice. Discover Mindtalk Mental Health Magazine with its collection of useful resources, professional guidance, and personal tales.
It was clear that cognitive behavioral therapy has advantages. Over the course of ten weekly CBT sessions, Jane's mental health significantly improved. She reported feeling more confident in her abilities to control her anxiety and a better capacity to handle challenges. Jane reported an overall increase in her quality of life by the end of the treatment, having made progress in confronting her negative thought patterns and adopting more adap
Being a bipolar lesbian who identifies as non-binary in Hong Kong, I had a special experience in these two cultures. In my early teens, I identified as a lesbian, but I didn't formally come out to my mother until I was in college. She was originally surprised by her religious upbringing, but it wasn't until years later
I've conquered my reluctance to be transparent about my experience with mental health thanks to the encouragement of my friends and coworkers. However, I am aware that a lot of young LGBTQ+ persons continue to struggle with heterosexism and homophobia. My goal is to inspire ot
Parents of LGBTQ+ teenagers should communicate with the school often so that issues can be quickly resolved in a cooperative manner.
I urge you to support your child on their journey and even turn ally with the LGBTQ+ community. Show your teen that you are there for them by your actions and words. The teenagers I work with who have accepting parents have positive things to say about their parents' adoption of an ally stance. Rowan* (*not their real name) recalled, "My mum bought ALL the flags and bought me a shirt that read, 'I can't even think straight." Rowan felt more loved and accepted b
Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month is observed in May, with the goal of increasing public awareness of postpartum and prenatal depression.
The emotional and psychological health of women throughout their pregnancies, deliveries, and postpartum periods is the focus of maternal mental health. It treats disorders that can have a major effect on both mother and child, such as postpartum psychosis, anxiety, and depression. Early detection, supportive care, and interventions like counseling, medication, and community support are all necessary to ensure maternal mental health. Setting this heal
Struggling with mental well-being? The MindTalk Brings you expert with wellness tips for mental health to boost your mood. Connect with us today!
Everyone’s path is unique – there is no one-size-fits-all approach to maintaining and sustaining mental wellbeing. Here are some of many proven wellness tips for mental health that helped people through the pandemic; now, as we move forward, you may wish to incorporate some or all of these into your daily life
With the pandemic behind us, let us reflect on the lessons learned during those challenging years. Investing in your mental health is a lif